
Subsea Ammeter – Check Your Anode Current

Blue Logic has delivered another set of Subsea Ammeters for current measurement of subsea anode conductors.

The Subsea Ammeter allows for easy and reliable measurement of current in conductors for anode systems. Can measure DC current up to 1000Ampere, standard version rated to 0-100A.
Although designed to verify DC current between anodes and subsea structure, there are several potential areas of use for this ROV-friendly instrument.
The Ammeter is limited to one operational feature, being the combined on- and reset -switch. Activation and reset is simply performed by swiping it pass a magnet. The instrument will then be activated for 20 minutes. When fully charged, the ammeter can be operated for 30 hours, thus no need to be recovered to surface for charging.
Each Ammeter comes with a 230V charger and activation magnet. The magnet can be installed onto the ROV for convenience.
The instrument fits onto conductors with diameter up to 55mm.

For more information, please check Datasheet for Ammeter